HAUNTED Chapter Four

Chapter Four

Opening my eyes with the torchlight on to check what in Lord’s name the rats are up to, I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand while using my other hand to push myself up.

'There he is'

With blood scattered on his face, scars all over his body, torn cloth and a dreadful look showing a whole lot of pain. Seeing him, I lost my balance and tried to scream but I couldn’t.

'I just saw my replica'

I was so scared my heart almost came out of my chest. With the obvious fear in my eyes, he approached me with his hands stretched towards my direction. I can see his lips moving but I couldn't hear a thing he was saying. I ran towards the door with speed. Opened it and ran out of the room to a total black corridor.

Everywhere was black, nothing can be seen. I was scared but what can I do? I tried using my initiative to locate Lizzy’s room. As I was about moving in her room’s direction, I heard a voice deeper than the ones have ever heard in my whole life.

The voice made me tremble when I heard the word

"And where do you think you are going".

With fear and shaking legs, I turned back to see who said such a thing. And so I saw the true definition of fear. Tall, black, red eyes, thorns on the head with a big body, big stomach, big chest and holding a staff in his hand.

He approached me shouting. “You thief, where do you thing you are going? You cannot hide from me. I am everywhere.”

I already lost my balance and was moving away from him crawling backwards with my hands in
order to escape his grip. Then he stretched his hand towards me and I immediately felt a hand grab my neck. The hand lifted me up from the ground into the air. Lord knows I tried to breathe while being choked. But I just couldn't.

I fought for my life while jacking my legs in pain. He laughed and scream again.

“Give it back now or you die”

I struggled to say 'give what'? back' when I woke up.

I was sweating, panting and also was as scared like I just got back from hell. I jumped up to check my room with torchlight. I saw nothing. The room was well arranged, my utensils, clothes and books were also well arranged.

Click To Read HAUNTED Chapter 1

Then I decided to open the door. I opened it slowly, checked for both left and right part of the passage before leaving my room. Immediately I saw the coast was clear, I ran like a mad dog to Lizzy’s room and banged her door like I was going to break it.

While banging that door, I noticed a figure approaching me. I first thought I was hallucinating due to the dream I just had but I could see with enough evidence I wasn't. I increased the intensity of my banging, trembling with my heart racing faster than a jumbo jet. A second to impact by this strange figure she opened the door and I dived in.

She closed the door and asked "what is it?"

I immediately begged her not to bring up any issue now because this is not just the time for such a thing.

She calmed herself down and then asked me. "What happened to you and why are you in my room. Can't you sleep in yours?"

I looked at her with the type of eyes asking her a question. 'Like if it's the first time I will sleep in your room abi?'

I told her we are going to talk about it in the morning. I crawled on her bed and laid down with my eyes wide open. Not minding if she was going to sleep with me on the bed or on the floor, I pulled her blanket on myself and gradually, I lost my fear slowly to nature and slept peacefully.

I woke up from my sleep to the sound of music playing. I was happy because I knew its in the morning. you know that type of feeling you have when you are finally somehow free. I opened my eyes with smile on my face to see Lizzy sitting down on a chair across the room.

I robbed my eyes with the back of my hand as I saw some strange things. I  pulled myself up, took a good look again. That was when I noticed Lizzy’s room has no door, no window and no normal things a room is supposed to have. I swallowed my spit with fear and thought to myself.

'Am I back to Nigeria or am still dreaming?'

With fear, I turned to Lizzy. Then was when I noticed Lizzy was no more Lizzy. Her face was very white, long nails and long hairs with red lips.

She looked at me, laughed and screamed. "Oh! Are you scared?"

"Hmm… you brought yourself to me and anyone who does don’t live to tell the story"

She laughed again and said "Are you wondering where the music is coming from?"

She stood up in annoyance, grabbed my neck and then whispered to my ear.

"You are still in your room sleeping. You are trapped in here with me"

That was when reality struck me.

'Oh my God!!!'

I never woke up the first time, I was tricked to think I did. The music is probably coming from one of my neighbors.
I looked at her with fear all over me and thought to myself.

'Oh yes man! This is it.'

She dropped me, gave me a scornful look and immediately disappeared.

I looked around me with tears in my eyes, looked at myself and I knew I was really in for it this time. Not knowing what to do, I sat down looking lost with no hope of redemption. Still thinking about my misfortune, I Heard a Banging sound.

Immediately as a sharp guy,  I knew somebody must be banging my door in the real life. I stood up in anxiety immediately I noticed the banging sound is somehow pulling me from this dreadful dream of mine. I closed my eyes firmly getting ready to be back to my normal life. The moment I felt warm air, I knew I was close. I squeezed my hands harder to help force myself more to wake up.

Doing this I felt a presence, opened my eyes to see two demons with knife on their hands approaching me.

Am calling them demons because that's the maximum type of qualification I have for them at the moment. In real sense, they are far worse than demons.

I lost the firmness grip due to fear and shouted repeatedly.

"No! Please don't. please I beg you"

As they approached me further, I knew deep inside me I might not wake up if this demons get to stab me here.  With tears and a loud cry I Screamed

"Jesus!!! save me God. Please save me"

Crying and trembling, I got to understand the fact that, when a man has not seen fear, he will think he is as brave as King David. But seeing real fear will give you the real test of your masculinity as a real brave man.

The two demons looked at each other, laughed wickedly and one of them said to me.
"You fool! Are you even worthy to call that name, either you like it or not, you die today"

Hearing that, I lost hope and said to myself

"Is this how you are going to die man?"

They both raised the knife up to stab me. Seeing this I closed my eyes with tears rolling down my cheek giving up all hope.

And suddenly there was total silence. No sound of any type. I opened my eyes but I could't see anything.
Everywhere was dark and dead.

While still trying to figure out what was happening, everything moved very fast suddenly at once and I gasped to life, to sound, to warm air and to light.
I choked of air and coughed while holding my stomach. I could feel most of my veins out, my bed sheet was soaked with sweat like it just rained. I tried calming myself down and I sat up to catch my breath better.

I looked around me to check if there is anything abnormal as usual. Everything was normal like the normal life.

Oh yes! Am back to life.

I started shouting, "Thank you Jesus!"


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